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GG 4 Lyfe

Liked the art and the animation. Voices were a little too slow and deep, and it was rather short. However, for a piece to attract new glocks, it gets the job done.

The Internet is serious business

I would have never expected someone actually would do this, bravo. In all honesty, my author's response wasn't intended to be serious; I simply enjoy screwing around with people. This flash is so drenched in irony because you seem to be on a crusade that I used to be on back in the day, right down to the narrative rant. If you watch the HNTs in my profile (the one's that happened to win awards) they were essentially a rant on the misdoings of NG, much like this flash was. Nowadays I make movies to "make myself and some other people laugh" I know damn well the general NG audience may not appreciate. Additionally, "the crappiness of [those] movie[s] is purposely done, because I only wanted to prove a point."

I don't judge myself to be an Internet badass for winning those awards that I threw at you, I could care less. I am 21 and all I care about is making it into graduate school so I may accomplish my life ambitions and end my life on a good note. Quite frankly, since it is my alias that won those awards, most people in my life will never know, and frankly I could care less. It simply showed the same bunch of idiots who pass my "Pootytang" flash happened to like my flash enough at the time to vote highly on it. As I previously stated, I commented on your review to fool around with you, and quite frankly your review wasn't as much of constructive criticism as you claimed it to be. If I condense your review it stated; "You spent no time on this, and it had nothing of substance that anyone else could not imitate." So where in that review is comments about how to do the flash better? "Add a hook," by golly how descriptive! NG reviewers in general seem to be on this high horse that their opinions matter. The purpose of the review system is to tell an author how to improve. The whistle points I receive for the dozens of "abusive" reviews and non-helpful reviews is astounding, and people will still not realize it because they think it was deleted for the "author's comments," which is simply ignorant because there is no such thing as "abusive" author comments and Tom made a good thread as to why.

Then, people will speculate that I have this vast conspiracy network that helps these flash pass. If this were true, don't you think Wade would have shut us down already with the technology NG possesses? Wade knows who votes on what and when and with what IP, and he will delete people who form mass conspiracies to vote up shitty flash or rig flash awards, etc. and he has. These flash pass because the general NG voter thinks it will pass, and they want a save point, which is why it mysteriously will have around a score of 2 every time. The general NG voter will create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't even tell my friends I submitted a "pootytang" until after its passed; you can even ask floppy because he'll usually see it hours afterwards because of time zone. Heck, if you wanted proof, I could give you the pootytang preloader and you could submit a numbered pootytang flash with anything you wanted in it, and it would pass without a problem. I even made a flash about this dynamic back in the day in "HNT Finale" but it fell on many deaf ears.

While I appreciate this flash, I can tell you that we aren't as different as you would like to think, and while I do appreciate your crusade and your first stab at flash, we are more on the same page than you would like to think.

So for sake of review, the humor was well placed and contributed to a contemporary and apparent issue of NG politics, the graphics as you said were not so great but you were intentionally doing that so its not a problem, the animation was well done and the average user wouldn't pick up the repetition of frames you had done unless looked at closely, I would have preferred a catchy song in the background like some Joplin to emphasis some of the comedy but the flash wasn't particularly hurt without the music, the buttons were well-placed and utilized effectively, and I enjoyed the overall style. My thoughts on the content can be inferred. ;)

mecha-chao responds:

Im glad you watched it and had something better to say this time around.
I stand by what I said, the flash I made a response to did look like it took around 30 seconds to make, and it was boring. I didn't like it so I said something about it. You can feel the same way or different about my flash, it doesnt bother me in the least bit.

This was my first flash, and I didnt want to put TOO much effort into it as I said, I just wanted something to show. It made me laugh, and thats good enough. Theres no BG music because I wanted to keep the filesize down. I personally HATE loading 10 megs of well... nothing. This is why I hate Myspace so damn much.

Thanks for watching. My next flash project is being developed at this moment, and is slightly better drawn. It IS hilariously funny though, but wont be done for many months. And there will be waffles


The cohesive plot, surprise ending, and the suitable music for the ending credits makes this a smash Christmas hit with which few can compare.

Best Bill Murray flash yet!

I'm astounded at the level of plot depth and the articulation of character development and dialogue. This is clearly a better movie about Bill Murray than Billy Murray could make himself.

"Stunning, Riveting, and Engaging" - NY Times

Newgrounds doesn't deserve such a masterfully crafted vision of a perfect world translated into a stroke of a internet equivalent of a paintbrush. It saddens me that this will be the last one you make, but if you had to cease your dramatic rendition of the world in a realistic but chilling montage, then this is a suiting finale.

Spy responds:

Your genius is years before it's time. Years in the futre, people will look upon your reviews and truly deem you as a true great mind.

Good but seemed a bit anticlimactic

It was still quite funny and tied up everything well, but it seemed to just end abruptly. It may just be general disappointment at seeing the end of an otherwise great series, in which case, doesn't have much to do with the flash. I hope to see the Mighty Trio in future flash.

Ghosty22 responds:

Yeah... The abruptness of it kind of bothers me too. It felt as if there should be a fight there or something, but I didn't want to kill off Dr. Vlatulenz. I like him, and want to bring him back for future episodes. Also it seems kind of cliche when, in every action movie, the bad guy gets killed in a dramatic shooting. I've always thought that, once in awhile, he should get arrested...

Well, I've been working on two cartoons. One is a Mighty Man solo adventure... I still need to record the music for it. Then Chanter Tales 1.2 has just been compeleted, and I'm planning on posting it on Tuesday.

I have been working on a Mighty Trio episode, but I had to set it aside so that I could finish these other projects, and the actor who plays Happy Man isn't always readily available.

Then my brother just told me he's working on a solo Death Man script for me. Which is cool, because I created the trio when I was a kid (which explains their goofiness) and he used to help make adventures for them. he was much funnier than I was...

Another awesome addition to the series

It still had the same quality of humor, when Death Man whipped out his gun and blew the guy away I laughed my ass off. I wasn't expecting everyone in the Trio to be toting guns, but I suppose it didn't take away from the overall plot as there have been several gun toting superheroes before, it just seemed unexpected. Again, the file size seems just too large especially when it compares to the file size of something like "Prowlies," but it wasn't too bad a wait. If you have too large a file size though, the average NG viewer is just going to close the box and vote "2" for the save point and not even watch your flash; it's sad but I've heard it that people do this frequently. :(

This was even better than the last one

It was a heck of a lot funnier and more engaging overall. Thoroughly enjoyed it, watching the 3rd one now.

This was quite a good movie

I figured after you reviewed one of my best movies a 0 for no apparent reason I'd give your stuff a look, and its actually well done. You do your own original artwork, an original concept and plot, I imagine you did your own voice acting, and it had a decent amount of humor. I'm sorry you've sort of been shafted because you make these good movies that virtually go unnoticed, which is probably why you went on a tirade on my flash because you figure we get all our publicity easy because of name recognition of the group and people like Illwillpress who have name recognition for pumping out the same thing 50+ times.

As for advice for this flash, I noticed the file size is a bit large for something of this nature. For the sound files you use, do you stream them and for music files do you edit the export quality to 16kbps instead of the imported mp3 quality? Otherwise, I wouldn't know what would drive it up that high other than sound.

However, good flash nonetheless and keep up the good work. Please just don't go around bashing people like me because you have something against the Lock Legion and Clock Crew. ;)

Ghosty22 responds:

How dramatic... You make it seem as if I reviewed your movie negatively because I was angry. I did give the reasons why I gave it a low score, and if you think my review was a "tirade," you might want to look "tirade" up in the dictionary.

I don't think "revenge" is a good reason to watch someone's movies. As an artist, you need to be able to take criticism.

When I make sounds, I record them and save them as .wav's. Then I import them. If it's music we're talking about, when it's long, I think I stream it. When it's just a short piece that I use to accentuate a particular scene, then I just use it as an event. When someone is talking, I stream it, because it seems as if that's the best way to sync up the mouth movements.

When I'm doing the publish settings... Well... It depends on the length of the movie. If it's a short movie, I set the rate to 128 kbps, and I set the quality to "best." For larger movies like Chanter Tales, I set the kbps to a much lower rate, and I also set the screen dimensions smaller... People complained about the poor sound quality, if I remember correctly...

Woodchuck Armada

Age 39, Male



NYC Metro

Joined on 9/10/03

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